Urgent Action Needed!
1. Help Protect Your Right to Advocate for Animals
2. and Help Save Horses from Slaughter!
1. Today may be your last chance to defeat the "Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act" (HR 4239, S 3880)! Contact your Representative in the U.S. House NOW to OPPOSE this Federal bill.
In a fast-track maneuver, the AETA will not be debated and will most likely be voted on in the U.S. House of Representatives today, Monday, November 13, 2006 after 6:30 p.m.!
- The AETA deserves a hearing to afford its many opponents a voice.
- The bill is too broad and vague, therefore requiring changes to be made before being voted on.
- It criminalizes conduct that "intentionally damages or causes the loss of any real or personal property." Without defining "real or personal property," it could criminalize legitimate activism resulting in economic damage, such as boycotts, that may cause a profit loss for companies.
- It does not define an "animal enterprise" and could be used to protect dog and cockfighting rings.
- This is an unnecessary and unconstitutional violation of our freedom of speech and assembly.
- The AETA threatens lawful advocacy and unfairly brands the nonviolent civil disobedience of animal protection advocates' as 'terrorism'.
- The result could be a chilling effect on social justice and advocacy.
Take Action Now!
- Please contact your U.S. (not State) Representative NOW and ask him or her to oppose HR 4239, the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. Contact your current legislators, who are still in office, even if they did not recently win a re-election, since the new ones do not take office until January, 2007.
- To find the contact information for your U.S. Representative, call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at: 202-224-3121 or simply enter your zip code at www.house.gov.
- Take Action Times Three: call, fax and email to get your point across.
- Urge all you know to take action as well.
2. Please also contact your two U.S. Senators to SUPPORT and cosponsor the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act, S.1915 and to push for its passage. This is the final, crucial step needed to completely ban horse slaughter in this country and save nearly 100,000 American horses each year from grisly transport to slaughter plants.
Take Action Now!
- Please contact your two U.S. Senators NOW and ask them to support S. 1915, the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act. Contact your current legislators, who are still in office, even if they did not recently win a re-election, since the new ones do not take office until January, 2007.
- To find the contact information for your U.S. Senators, call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at: 202-224-3121 or simply enter your zip code at http://www.senate.gov.
- Do a triple shot: call, fax and email to get your point across.
- Urge all you know to take action as well.
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