Why not eggs?
When people ask me why I don't consume eggs, I show them the below picture, the one that started me on the path to vegan-ism.

But it's more complicated than that, because if it was that simple, then every one of us would stop eating eggs the minute we're informed of how cruel the industry is. One of my favorite quotes from the Dalai Lama, and the one that makes me feel closest to His Holiness is, "I have been particularly concerned with the sufferings of chickens for many years. It was the death of a chicken that finally strengthened my
resolve to become vegetarian..."
I think there needs to be a combination of factors present at the same moment for persons to finally embrace the decision to try to live cruelty-free. For me, it was the right time because I had been awakened from a slumber of sorts when a close family member died, and I made a number of life decisions around the same time ... in addition, I had recently eaten large numbers of eggs when I was confronted with this image. On top of these things, I have always been someone who does not like being deceived -- I mean, I really hate it. Once I realize that I have been gullible about something, I remain resentful, and determined to save others from the lie. This is applicable here because it seems we have all been tricked into believing farm animals are happy, and that there are measures which prevent cruelty within the farming industry (all false).
I believe all these things played a part in my decision to go 100% veg and to never think twice about it. Not everyone will have the benefit of all these factors, and many may decide that they "would like to be vegan," "admire that," etc. but feel "it's too hard," or "it's not for me."
Well, I can relate, because this wasn't my first attempt at a cruelty-free lifestyle. I had made a smiliar decision in college. However, not all the requisite factors were present then ... I had a vague feeling that it was wrong to eat animals, but I didn't have the images or the information to back it up. That effort lasted several months, at which point I was able to rationalize everything back to normal. I will not be able to do that now, and I am grateful for that.
If anyone is thinking they would like to be veg or vegan, but don't feel personally called to "convert," it may not be your time to fully embrace it yet. But at least inform yourself about where your animal products are coming from, and then decide whether the cruelty involved is acceptable or not. If your concern is "what will I eat?" or "how will I explain this to ____?" or "how will I avoid temptation?" or any objection you can think of, I recommend the below book, by Beverley Lynn Bennett & Ray Sammartano. They can answer these questions for you and your concerned family members, and get you started, or at the least, informed.

Thanks for reading, and please feel free to contact me with any questions! :o)
I can get that book for hosts that don't know what to make us for dinner at their home LOL.
I want to click on the VEGAN PORN link but am afraid!! :)
vegan porn is an awesome site, trust me ... it's only a little naughty.
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