Veg-ables: The Cruelty-Free Holiday Gift of Adoption


An AZ-based blogspace for veg*ans & veg-curious alike -- welcome! My hope is for this space to serve as both a resource and a springboard for action, for it to grow and evolve along with its contributors, and to remain relevant for new as well as old veggies. Also visit my Space! :o)


The Cruelty-Free Holiday Gift of Adoption

This year, give the gift of life to a rescued farm animal. Choose the one that speaks to your heart most, or the one you can afford to sponsor. You can also adopt an animal in the name of someone you would like to honor, or as a gift. I have decided to adopt a pig in my family's name. Pigs so desperately need our help. You can also support pigs by donating to the Pig Protection Campaign.

Another great reason to consider adopting a pig or cow this holiday season? You'll earn a free cookbook and other nifty gifties! Check out the benefits for each type of animal here.

Plus, not only will you receive an adoption certificate and photos of your animal, but you will also be able to visit her at the shelter. So choose whichever shelter is closest to you. The animals thank you kindly in advance! :o)


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